Reporting and monitoring
Reporting to BSMS
BSMS collects data for red cells, platelet, fresh frozen plasma (FFP) and cryoprecipitate, both from blood services and hospitals. Specific data is collected for each component and may include any of the following:
- Hospital issue data (automatically input by supplying blood service)
- Hospital stock data
- Hospital wastage data
- Hospital movements data
- Hospital transfused data (red cell only)
Reports provided by BSMS
Component Report
BSMS provides hospitals with a monthly component report. We have published a guide for interpreting the data on this report (PDF 4.5MB).
This document replaces several reports previously issued, including the Patient Blood Management (PBM) highlight report. Its goal is to provide each hospital with key metrics and data analysis to assist with local and cluster benchmarking when compared with red cell and platelet user groups. The report consists of the following:
- Red cell summary report
- O Negative RBC focus
- Platelet summary report
- Frozen component overview
- Appendix and glossary
The reports will be issued on or around the 12th of each month, however in order to get the most out of these reports we would encourage all stock and wastage data (including any component movements) to be entered by the 10th of the month. Here is an example of the monthly component report (PDF 745KB).
Please note: only wastage entries up to and including the time of reporting will be included, there is no wastage reporting lag in these reports. Hospitals should still submit a 'zero wastage' if no wastage has been accrued, to avoid a 'no submission' being applied.
Hospital Red Cell Stock Report
This report can be produced to assist and guide hospitals when activating their Emergency Blood Management Plan. A declared shortage scenario would usually be accompanied by a proposed reduction in blood usage by hospitals. Where the required reduction is small it is anticipated that hospitals will be able to achieve this through implementation of 'appropriate use' measures. In more severe shortages, NHSBT may recommend reductions in stock holding as well as promoting Patient Blood Management strategies.
This report provides each hospital site with annual red cell issues data, daily red cell usage data for both weekdays and weekends, average red cell stock holding data and provides an estimation of hospital red cell issues if reductions were sanctioned for 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. There is also additional information regarding appropriate action if such a scenario was declared.
Non-routine delivery reports
Non-routine delivery reports will remain available.
Combined Trust Report
BSMS can also provide a combined trust wide report, upon request, where more than one hospital site will feature with red cell, platelet and FFP data. This report includes a 12 month look back and visual trend analysis, similar to the component reports.
Bespoke Reports
BSMS are happy to provide participants with personalised data reports upon request. Contact us direct for more information
BSMS Hospital User Groups
BSMS participants are categorized into user groups for both red cells and platelets, based on their annual issues from the blood service. The categories consist of Very High, High, Moderate, Low and Very low. Although the user groups remain static, hospitals may move between categories as their numbers of red cell or platelet issues changes. The user groups can also be referred to as a 'cluster'.
BSMS red cell and platelet usage categories have been revised and updated in August 2023, to reflect current and historical component issues to hospitals. FFP and cryoprecipitate user categories have also been launched and benchmarking and KPI targets will be available.
To provide effective hospital benchmarking and considering the variable and ever-changing service configuration of hospitals over the past 2 years, we have taken a different approach for this latest review. We have considered both red cell and platelet GROSS issues (what was issued to the hospital by the appropriate blood service) and NET issues (as for gross issues but also factoring in any component movements) over the past 5 years to establish the clusters.
Please refer to our BSMS user group guidance document (PDF 251KB) for information regarding category values and current clusters.
BSMS provides valuable data tools for hospital users to employ when managing their stockholding or reviewing wastage.
Evidence driven targets, derived from the correlation of hospital data, can be used as key performance indicators (KPI’s), allowing users to compare their progress in relation to a specific goal, encourage best practice and allow for benchmarking.
KPI’s include the issuable stock index (ISI), used to identify the number of day’s red cell stock held in the blood bank and the wastage as percentage of issues (WAPI) which provides a percentage of the total stock wasted in relation to your total component issues, regardless of hospital size.
Target ISI’s and WAPI’s can be determined for both red cell and platelet wastage.
Access these tools within the Inventory Management best practice guide.